2025-03-01 | Lauren LeBel


Hello Go Local readers! I want to start by introducing myself, as this is my first editor’s note. My name is Lauren LeBel and I am the editor of Go Local magazine.

I have been with The Reminder for a little over four years, starting as a freelance writer, then staff writer, before entering my current role as editor of Go Local and special sections, as well as managing editor of the Hampshire County Reminder, The Original Pennysaver and the Holyoke-Chicopee Herald.

Throughout these various roles, one of my favorite parts about my work has been this monthly publication.

Every month, Go Local features diverse businesses — both old and new — across Western Massachusetts and northern Connecticut. From small storefronts to established eateries, Go Local allows readers to dive in and learn about the history of each business and the focus of the work they provide the community.

This month, Go Local highlights three businesses, including the Brewcade, a fairly new arcade and bar in Agawam that offers a variety of vintage and classic games for all; DIY Treats 4 Dogs, a dog treat decorating studio in Somers and American Healthy Homes, an East Longmeadow-based company working to improve your indoor home environment.

In addition to these features, March Go Local shares CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture, resources in our area.

CSA is a type of food distribution between local farms and consumers. Those who are CSA members pay a fee to support a farm, and in return, receive regular supplies of fresh produce.

A few summers ago, my mom became a CSA member at a small, family-owned farm/market in our town. Every Wednesday for 12 weeks she would go to the market and pick up the products to bring home. From cucumbers to peaches, spinach and summer squash, my family would look forward to the options that we could incorporate into basic meals, along with trying new recipes.

Along with the homegrown, natural ingredients we were consuming, a huge part of becoming a CSA member was to support local. It’s a winwin for all involved!

If you’re thinking about becoming a CSA member, you’re in luck. The harvest season will be here before you know it — the time to sign up is now.

Let our CSA guide help you, help them as we “go local” this spring.

Thanks for reading,
Lauren LeBel, Editor